Adriel Moses was born nov,20th at 8:00... He was a week late, I was soooo ready to have him here!!! Tuesday eve I felt uncomfortable but knew it wasn't labor and was so tired of thinking mabe tonight!! Well at 2 or 3 I woke up and was feeling lite contractions, thought I'll wait till around 5 to wake everyone, the kids were going to church friends.. Finally at 6 I woke everyone and steve took the kids at 6:30, around 7 I thought I better call my midwife to come check see where we are, my contractions were harder but still only like 8 min apart.. She got here 20 min later and checked and to our surprise I was fully dilated:). Adriel arrived at 8:00..... He was a big boy 9 lbs 11 ounces and 22 inches long.... I praise The Lord for a safe delivery and a healthy boy who has totally stolen our hearts!! I am lovin the newborn stage and he has been so good so far!!! My mom came down on Thursday and my dad and brother came to pick her up Sunday and stayed till Tuesday !!!! That was a huge blessing we loved having them here!! The boys hought I should have another baby so mommy comes again):):). Ummmm mabe not boys). Well it's almost 1:00 and Adriel is sleeping in my arms ,I really need to sleep so that's it or now!!! God is so good!!! Blessings! I was so going to take a buch of pics after birth, didn't happen and I didn't get any of me and baby:( here are a few:)
oh dear...he is such a dear!! He looks just like Micheal!! And the sisters...theyre just awesome...just awesome!! Oh 3 more weeks.. yes I think I can make it but I just can't wait!!