Tuesday, August 28, 2012


spiritual battles..we all face them..Do we know that the victory is already ours? the battle has already been won!! All that we need to fight we have in the Lord..Do we stand strong in the Lord or do we crumble and fall and allow the devil to trample and step all over us....The boys and Steve have this thing going with thier airsoft guns, as soon as Steve gets home from work or if hes working outside they put on layers of clothing to protect them and they have these big airsoft guns, Steve just has this littlt pistol and no protection, but the boys are still scared:0 they where helmets and everything, they can be out with everything fully loaded and if steve comes runnin out of the shop whoopin and hollerin they come runnin inside,sometimes his gun isnt even loaded but they dont know that, i told them yest if they both went out together and worked together and gangd up on daddy he wouldnt stand a chance!:)  They dont realize the power they have and the protection they have!! he just looks big and makes a lot of noise and they turn and run:):)  Its the same way in spiritual battle the devil makes a lot of noise and trys to intimidate us but if we realize the power we have in the Lord and thru the holy spirit and the protection we have.... No weapon formed against us shall prosper!!!  But as long as he can keep us scared and cowaring in a corner with all our armor gear on ...It was a lesson for me!! thank you Jesus that you give us all we need that the battle is already won!!!

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