Sunday, January 19, 2014


Ok I'm way behind in blogging! Just hasn't been on my list of things to get done, and just haven't really felt like it.. I really do like looking back on my blogs tho!   And right now I'm trying to blog with a squirmy 2 yr old beside me, so might be short and just pics:).  Christmas was a gret time of spending time with family and friends!! Sis and family were in so it was great hanging out with them, miss them so much!! Sometimes it stinks our kids can't grow up together but it seems like when they are together they just pick up where they left off and you would never know its been a yr and half since they've seen each other ! So after 2 wks of  fun and more memories made, gingerbread houses made, pots and pots of  coffee drank, and lots of lost sleep, Christmas is over,and we are back home and back in a schedule and its a new year,more memories to be made, more mountains to climb but whatever the year holds I know my God will be faithful !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~just a little about the pics since I haven't figured out how to write on each pic from this iPad ~~~~~~ a few of the fun times, the kids did gingerbread houses, lunch with sis,  taffy pull with friends:), Leon made his famous chili in a duch oven over a wood fire,it was the best! Jenga games!